As we become more sensitive to what we eat, what we see and what we feel. We also become sensitive to what we pick up from other people, places or things.
As an empath, and I am sure many of you are as well, the more I get in touch with my energies, health and emotions. The more sensitive to others deep and dark emotional states and attachments. If you are a person, you most likely share energies with another often. So at times when your energy is feeling “off” or “out of whack” or perhaps you have been a shoulder for too many people lately. This is not in any way assert that your energy is more clearer than another. We are all perfect divine beings and with a few tools we can all be clear of the funk gunk our energy collects. Be mindful not to do this based on judgement as no one is lower or higher superior to you or your journey. This is a way to hold space for someone else and for yourself to be able to remain grounded and be there for the other person without taking on their energy as your own. Salt and baking soda soaks Bath bombs are so popular because of this reason energetically!!! We are attracted to the healing nature of the salt and baking soda mixture. Each evening I soak my feet in sea salt to clear the energies of the day with the engagements and healing I do. Oils and lotions This is something I don't share with many, but I use olive oil for a layer of protection against others lower energies. Many have gone with the popular coconut oil on everything but my favorite are mixtures of oil and essential oils. There is a coconut oil base and I highly recommend the higher vibration of these oils but using one that resonates with you is fine. What are my favorites? Frankincense, Holy Basil, Ylang Ylang, Rose, and a few mixtures for balancing and healing chakras. Sage I like to clear my aura and energy fields with burning sage. Clearing the house also assists to clear out anything that others may have picked up. Anyone who have arrived at my house at one time or another have smelled the faint scent of sage It has never set off the very sensitive fire alarm which tells me that it is dense enough to see but light enough to be undetected. Other herbs are useful to burn as well. I have used basil, bay leaf and assorted herbs. I also use sweet-grass to attract positive energy back in my surroundings. Clear your space If your life is cluttered, food is heavy or your living space is overwhelming, clear out the clutter. Some do not see how holding on to past boyfriend gifts and bills and receipts will bog energy to not being open to more. Dance and movement This is where yoga or simple exercise is very useful to clear energy. Go for s quick walk outdoors or turn up the tunes and shake and dance for a good feeling. Cynthia has a collection of Chakra dance moves and is a fantastic way to move those blockages out. Check her out here. Grounding This can be done with the next step with meditation. You can achieve grounding by walking barefoot on grass or earth. The energies are released from your lower physical self to the ground by pushing through by being roots or deep into earth. Energy meditation There are many meditations to use and I have my own preference for transmuting the lower energies. Remember you can not eliminate energy, you can only transmute or transform energy into another form. Protection or bubble Protecting your boundaries on a day to day basis is a must to maintain a vital high vibrating energy source. It will not prevent you from coming into contact with another form of negativity but will assist you will a gentle removal by remaining intention and daily practice. I tell clients that just because you have a coat on does not prevent you from falling into the mud and getting dirty. But the coat will provide you some protection against the mud. Stones and crystals. My house is full of stones. I usually wear them daily as well. I am not going to give you a detail of how each work but how they can work. When you tune a guitar string it vibrates. Like a tuning fork placed next to another fork, the vibration will be felt and synchronized with the other string or fork. When we hold onto a stone with a certain vibration it then provides us with a tuning of our own vibration. Some will message me and ask what is the best stone to use at work and it depends on the environment and what frequency you need to vibrate with. If you need protection I recommend a black tourmaline, jet or grounding stone such as hematite or onyx If you need to be tuned into more unconditional love then use rose quartz. If you want to discuss further any of these methods or have a session to assist you with your energies and vibration, do not hesitate to contact me by email or cell phone. We are all perfect divine beings in love and light. Cheers, Red Ferrari Owner of Get the Soulmate and Dump the Rest Author of Love in the 12th Dimension and Twinflames Reunite. FB :Get Your Soulmate and Dump the Rest & Twin Flame/Soulmate Readings, Coaching & Energy Join my classroom here
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light"- Plato Releasing fear and limiting beliefs are times when we will endure painful parts of our journey with lessons ready to be released. Each time fear comes along, it is for us to use compassion and love to transform into a source of love and light through tears and grief, only to raise it into a higher vibration of love and light. It is common to rejected sadness and close off emotions ourself feeling that it is a weakness to cry. The flowing of tears allows energy to be released whereas repressing and shutting down the pain will create blockages and repressed emotions that later will be unmanageable. Those blockages never go away. Each time a situation will continuously mirror the original pain and fear with different characters in the story, this will cause confusion and upheaval when these same emotions become trapped later with other circumstances. Numbing the pain can be from emotional shutdown or the use of drugs or alcohol. Other soul mates will show up to mirror this original pain, each one repeating the same story until the soul receives a better result and the pain is faced fully. Each one repeating the same result until the pain or fear is faced. Cry or scream. Not to create a scene or drama with another but privately where you can sort out your feelings. Write or journal your thoughts or take the time now to process and sort out your feelings. It is that lesson released no longer a lesson to be repeated. Perhaps you may have many lessons but perhaps you were repeating the same ones repeatedly. Fear comes through now so strongly because, without our love and light, we are open to the nemesis fear to invade us. Fear causes more pressure on our inner self. We feel powerless, lack of control, sense of instability, deception, heartache, and attachment. With all of this taking up space, the energy of love gets stuck and will no longer flow. So how do we let go? We practice nonsuffering, non-engagement, and non-fear. Buddha came to teach us that while suffering is a human condition, it isn't necessary. This does not mean pain does not exist. We all feel pain, but it is the anticipation of the pain that is suffering or reliving the pain after it has been done. Suffering happens when you wrap a story around the facts and make the situation alive. When you practice nonsuffering, you embrace the lessons the pain was to teach you and release. When you choose to not take part in arguments this is a practice of non-engagement. This is usually a lesson “do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?" If you participate in an argument willingly, be aware that you are doing it for the sport because you enjoy it. We should connect with the opponent and find common ground and resolve a problem. Sometimes we must face individuals who thrive off the drama and this can be very difficult not to give in to the temptation of playing the part they are setting us up for to battle. If the temptation is too challenging, there is an unhealed issue within us to resolve and they are doing us a great favor by showing us our weaknesses. To practice non-engagement, we must be fully negotiable yet completely comfortable and willing to let go of something or to give up something. "They are chasing after rainbows. Those rainbows will take them to their gold eventually."Fear is our natural response to danger. It triggers our flight or fight response. The region where our sensations of pleasure are experienced is very close to the center where we experience violence. When we stimulate one of these areas in the brain, we can often stimulate the other. When we practice fearlessness, we can live in peace and practice calm and serenity. When we step beyond fear, violence, and death, we can act not as victims but how can we change our adversaries to look at our unhealed selves and access our creative healing energy to dream a better world. We cannot be grateful for how precious our lives are without knowing death; how happiness is not a privilege, but a gift not realized until you feel the absent numbness, that love is everything but without it is void. And fear feeds nothing but takes away life, happiness, and love. Be everything that gratitude can bring and release the fear that takes it away.
Remember you are love and by vibrating at a soul level you will always attract love back to you. The laws are never removed from you no matter what lesson you are trying to learn. The law of attraction states that like attracts like and if you are resonating in pain, you too will attract in pain. If you need to release soul work, do not be afraid of what a soul will bring along in your path. Healers are presented to help us open our hearts or to let go and release what no longer serves us or maybe dysfunction in our relationships. We attach ourselves to those who we need to grow. As long as our ego remains intact, these relationships will remain painful. Many twins are never going to free up the laws of polarity. It is a law that will not change. Once you rise your soul above duality, you then experience the oneness of your true love. In this exchange, the merging of the two souls are so unified that there is no form of separation and each sees the other as a unit within themselves. That is why most twins do not realize they are separate from the other until there is a breakup that happens, and this is when most will discover they are in this form of a relationship. Your job to reunite is to bring your vibration and energy back to the unified level before separation happened. To be in complete union, you must rise above the twin flame ego story. Rid yourself of the attachment that you need to be with your twin in a romantic relationship. When the vibration high enough, your perspective will change. You will see that you have loved each other your whole life. You went through tragic circumstances at the same time. You will see the mirroring of your soul sharing and loved by your twin. You went through the tragic circumstances at the same time or the polar opposite in some cases. Moments of fun and growth during the same timelines and when one was emotionally empty inside, there would be similar patterns with your true love as well and mirroring the conflicts to resolve them apart. While you were searching for yourself outside of yourself, they were living finding their way back to you. You will have common missions perhaps on different scales Your perspectives though could be opposites to learn the truth through the false perceptions. Why do you believe now, after all that work during your lifetime that this will change now that you have met? Your soul may have recognized them. Then likewise, their soul recognized you and needs to process differently. Let them work on themselves so they can hear their soul and work out their progression. They are chasing after rainbows. Those rainbows will take them to their gold eventually. Many are pulled to people for different reasons. It is when the pull is mutual that there is a need for work to be done between the two. As you raise your vibration, your soul will also evolve. Your soul is a duplicate match so their vibration will change as well. As you work on yourself, they will become clearer and will respond to their own soul calls. People will follow what they are pulled towards. Most times the pull is one-sided. When both are mutually attracted, the work is the same in both that are pulled. Soulmates will find the attraction to minimize as the work gets done, whereas most true twins, the pull becomes more magnetic. Many who are twins flames soulmates are unsure why their relationship felt different. The relationship can confuse as there is no other relationship to compare as you only have one true twin flame. We only know what we have experience and if you only have one twin flame in existence then there is no way you can have experienced a twin flame relationship by trial. The healer twin or the false flame could have been close but being failed for the purpose of growth but the preparation of the intensity of growth and raising of one's frequency. Most are left more confused than previously before they met their mirrored souls. Soulmate and Twin Flame relationships can be the trickiest and the most fulfilling types of relationships. They bring about an understanding of the Self and lessons and disharmony within us that we need to integrate. They can connect us with our highest bliss but also without the darkest shadows. By clearing everything that does not feel good, you will become free from all that will remain. You will see different lovers and soulmate's unresolved karma here too. The good, bad, and the ugly. Cheers, Red Ferrari Owner of Get the Soulmate and Dump the Rest Author of Love in the 12th Dimension and Twinflames Reunite. FB :Get Your Soulmate and Dump the Rest & Twin Flame/Soulmate Readings, Coaching & Energy " There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it." -Edith Wharton Understanding mirrors is a time of seeing how everyone is God before you and that everyone is working to your greatest good. Any situation whether it is bad or good is a mirror reflection of your soul being reflected back to you. When you truly love, yourself you let go of the expectation of another showing up for your happiness. Because we are naturally that infant again searching to be nourished, feed, and loved, we seek other's love and affection as one of our greatest illusions. That love is outside of ourselves. As a soul, we are connected to all that is through source and light. Still, separation is by far the most painful process life provides us we will ever come to know. Because of consciousness, we have groups of the division of different soul groups. We have karmic mates, soul mates, and evolutionary partners such as life partners and twin flame soulmates who evolve and grow sharing experiences to repeat patterns and necessary lessons. No mate is better than another in our journey of growth like one dimension is not better than another. This is a choice of how much growth we want to evolve too. When we compare dimensions we can state each one is a state of being. Same space, same time, just a different perspective. This also goes for the different types of soul families. Different perspectives and levels of consciousness are all there is that evolves these relationships. Every day people show up to communicate. Being open to that mirror is a reflection of your soul that is vibrating as the same particle. The more similar your soul with their frequency, the likely the mirroring will increase. Everyone is capable of assisting each other in being the best version of themselves. The same goes for other people who show up in your everyday communication. By being open to that everyone is a mirror reflection of an aspect of your soul that is vibrating as the same particle to be in the same room as the other, we can see that everyone is carrying the job of God by assisting each other in being the best version of ourselves. Others are created so we can have a knowing of us in another. Each of us has a part of our soul that resonates with the other soul in a similar frequency. The neurons are mirrored based on the density of the ego-mind and the evolutionary growth of the soul. This does not mean that it is the same experiences but they are similar in energy and frequencies. When we are created by God we are ourselves.
Oftentimes, it could be opposites as we witness the laws of relativity, laws of polarity, and the law of attraction. The journey is influenced by vibration with the other by current personality type and freewill choices. Each individual is a chance to share an experience to release from the soul to be replaced with light and love. The dynamic of a relationship where they are unsure and not committing could be from a need from validation and seeking love outside of oneself because the initial energy was based on being unsure. For example, if you are seeing someone who is not committing to you and seems to be unsure of his relationship with you, you may have attracted his vibration with you not being sure if he is the one. You look for validation and you are searching for love outside of yourself. If this is the case then he is absolutely a match to your same frequency and mirroring exactly the same back to you. The laws of polarity state that each goes in the opposite direction so this may cause much ego release work or challenge your soul on a lower level to minimize drama and resistance. In either case, every lesson is a valuable lesson to clear from your soul the same energetic match. This is not removing the facet of your soul, but once the lesson is resolved it no longer will appear to catch your attention. Another soul mate could arrive with the very same habits or behaviors but because the lesson has been resolved and removed, you no longer resonate with the lesson, so the mirroring is no longer appearing to show up in a negative way. Once a lesson is removed, you no longer have to do it again. I call it soul graduation for each phase. It may be mountains to climb but a lifetime of scenery to enjoy. In most circumstances, soul mates or twin flame soulmates who have souls fully matched will mirror each other but in a positive reflective image to live as the soul will not dissolve but still reflect one's matched frequency. Some of our worse sufferings came from some of our closes soul groups. How much love do you think was shared between you both to work out such a mission. When you look at it now, we always were love. Never anything more than sharing love in transactions. Some of the souls come to influence you with fear and old blockages from the past. Cheers, Red Ferrari Owner of Get the Soulmate and Dump the Rest Author of Love in the 12th Dimension and Twinflames Reunite. FB :Get Your Soulmate and Dump the Rest & Twin Flame/Soulmate Readings, Coaching & Energy " Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened"- Dr. Seuss Breaking up is a painful process. How does one go from a dark separation to a true love that is more than ever imagined possible? Both polarities are existing. It is not as simple as ignoring the pain but looking inside to why you resonated and attracted this pain to yourself. Where you have similar experiences that may be showing up now to be healed and released. This will remove both the current and all the other previous same vibrating frequencies. This could be also released in the partner if their soul matched that frequency too. Are you holding onto any pain from any previous relationships? Go back and review your past and see if anything comes up as you look at what never worked out as you expect it. Write a journal or letters to your previous lovers and relationships from your past saying everything you ever needed to say. Find peace and understanding to why these had to happen in the first place. Any deep-rooted pain, it is time to bring it to the surface. This is sometimes a process that may take a few sessions as each removal will take some getting used to energetically, allow yourself time. Some people from the past may be easier now to release because of the detachment moving onto someone new. This is a look deep within your previous relationships and taking accountability to why things happened and to how you can find peace. Allow time to adjust and have some compassion to heal and forgive yourself during this release. There is much finger-pointing blame in this process. We can usually find ourselves to see how their responses were not what would make everything so simple after all. If this is damaged beyond repair that can be a challenge to accept that our happiness was removed by something we had full control of after all. Some journaling and allowing to bring up these deep feelings may surprise many because they were so hidden in the recesses of memories. Some letters may be just useful to connect energetically for the next step. "Our vibration will hold onto that energy of this painful experience if we do not let this go. Another part is our vibration remaining attached to the energy of the past. If this is a relationship ended 6 months ago, did you change in that period of time? " |
AuthorVicki Martin (AKA The Red Ferrari) is the author behind Love in the 12th Dimension, How To Manifest a Soulmate and Get The Soulmate And Dump The Rest as well as Rediscovering Abundance: Healing the Inner Child to Resolve Relationship Insecurities, Subconscious Pain, and Poverty She is a makeup artist, esthetician accountant, subtle energy therapist, workshop facilitator, artist, stylist, relationship coach, and mother of 4.. Her work across multiple disciplines broadly addresses narratives of human experiences within and shared with others. If you want to read more similar articles, to find out more about the author or to schedule an online healing session, visit Archives
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