"The more I see, the less I know for sure" People believe negativity is a choice. You can either walk away or engage in it fully. You know that feeling when something does not feel right, or you experience something less fulfilling. We usually will try to walk away from it, but why did it trigger you so deeply? Why were you experiencing it in the first place? For those moments that you were engaged, you felt powerless and out of control. We hold onto triggers from past experiences. Many of these triggers are held so deeply that you would not notice them on a day-to-day basis. When a situation happens that you are deeply involved, those triggers come to the surface. Therefore, some people feel like they are losing control when they fall deeply for another or under pressure to provide their best such as a competition or job interview. As these unconscious triggers appear, the situation may seem explosive and exhausting over the most minor infraction that would not mean anything otherwise. Those who are being dramatic are providing you with the opportunity to release your triggers. When you resolve them with compassion, unconditional love, and freedom, the trigger no longer exists. This may seem challenging as they are hidden until the silence of the mind can get busy and appear out of nowhere. It can be a wonderful moment transformed into a heated argument over nothing that could ruin the best relationships over time. Many are experiencing situations while we are undergoing the planets moving backward and providing a time of review. What are your triggers? What are your fears? This is not some minor awareness that you are working towards. These triggers come up from memories hidden deep in the recess of memories of trials and tribulations over time. Not all life experiences were joyful, and fear can arise from anything learned to hide. Fear is the opposite of love. When you see that love is safety and forgiveness, with love you can face fear differently. One emotion cannot exist in the same place as the other. Release all your fears to love. Your job is not to ignore your triggers but to face them now each one in the face of love, the soul that you forgive in the other. Each trigger resolved will no longer exist and love has healed the trigger. This is evolution. To become whole as love and light with no remaining fear or lower energies pulling you down. The optimism and the new dawn are light after the dark night has been cleared. This is a time of great change for many souls who are preparing to embark together upon a lifetime of purpose and influence upon our world. How many humans have the perfect ideal lover in their lives? True love, not the kind to feed your ego or to validate your worthiness. A genuine sharing love: two people complete and nourish each other souls. Know how to recognize it. Know how to bring this into our lives. We all deserve love. Many will dream of the fairy tale relationship with hopes of living happily ever after. Also, seek someone else to fill a void that only can be filled within. Many need to develop an understanding of a true twin or soul mate relationship and what it means to find home in bliss. Not that any other relationship is not loving, but a journey of these relationships will usually end as a lesson to see what you are missing. Each one creating a separate piece. Perhaps you have been searching outside of yourself your whole life as many do who are on this path collecting many pieces and weight down trying to figure out why the pieces never seem to fit. We only know what we experience, and our minds have the map. The ego tries to make the pieces fit as it cannot see the other possibilities. This is where our suffering takes place. Making it seem impossible to be any other way. True love souls or some call twin flames serve a divine purpose. They come into your life just when you no longer believe you will experience the deep profound love that your soul craves. They shake up everything you knew about reality and expand your consciousness while sending your chakras and energy centers into overdrive. They are souls seeking self-transformation along their own personal path and this is key to an understanding of life lessons to perform a joint mission. They are your direct mirror, your polar opposite, your exact energetic vibrational match. Yes, they will be painful and trauma if you are in pain and trauma inside. They will resist if you too are resisting healing. They will run from you if you are running from your soul. Do not be distracting your mind by entertaining anything to make you forget. Twins incarnate on the planet at the same time and plan to meet in order to catalyze each other into accelerated spiritual awakening so that both can find and pursue their life missions. They are forced to face their deepest fears for the purpose of releasing them for good. To learn to live from a space of unconditional love always. Not from pain, fear or ego. Although tragic, it is necessary for many twins to separate after the initial joining of the twin period fades. This intensity brings up so many fears and feelings trapped and hidden that seem too hard to manage. Most are explosive and uncomfortable on a different level than one usually knows. After experiencing life on a new energetic level where universal love flows through you, manifestations occur at a rapid rate. The twins then come back down to earth and find that they have still lots of work to do on themselves apart. The more you want to be attached to them or other underlying negative currents of energies, this causes pressure and pushes them further away. They do not know what is happening to them. They feel a sense of pressure building up and anxiety or overwhelming need for space sends them to go breath. Here they do the necessary internal work. The ego returns and begins to question all that it learned to believe over many lifetimes now set in place. The soul is faced with the challenge of releasing any emotional, mental, and physical blocks in order to connect deeply within its own higher self and divine. This process takes time, and the twins must complete this deep healing on their own, each at their own pace. Attempts to force a physical relationship at the time will be met with resistance and even more distance. It is key to focus on the energy that was once given to the twin relationship, back to your own spiritual path, because the truth is, your twin did not come into your life to complete you, but rather to push you into the best version of yourself. That is true love. That is devotion. The physical separation that is experienced is simply caused by two people not being energetically capable of sustaining a connection of that magnitude. Maybe not forever, but in the present moment, they are not with you because the physical, mental, and emotional bodies are not matching up. This intense anguish felt during this time is designed to bring out all of the insecurities, doubts, and fear that you have been holding deep within your subconscious mind. The twin simple reflects all the lower vibrational states that you must finally rid yourself of in order to become a fully enlightened and liberated human being. They are doing the same thing at their own rate Which is completely unrelated to your own soul progress and should be respected from a distance. Do not pay any attention to what they are doing. The focused attention is more not to what you are doing. Along this stage, we have sometimes who we call twin flame healers to clear more ego by being a mirror for your higher self to meet with our twin flame later. These are not necessarily lovers, but other mirrors to show you what you need to work on as your twin will not be there to show you now. This is where confusion has appeared. Usually there is a connection that makes it hard for those to let go and face what is ahead even more beautiful than what they know. Use the universe to guide you and trust you are on the right path. Follow the heart and what you know is truth. Many people become obsessed with the twin flame concept and union. They believe that if they wait patiently while continuously holding on to the other person in their heart and mind, trying to connect with them on other levels, the can force a reunion. That this would cause the separation of the two flames to reunite. This is an illusion and will also interfere. You are trying to control the outcome. You are manipulating the energies and love is not magic. Love is not because of the law of attraction. This is only for material things and even other types of soulmates. Law of attraction will attract false flames to the heart of the unknown. You soul wants to come back to its truest essence. It wants you to release all the fears and illusions that keep it imprisoned and distracted from it's life mission. This is why your twin flame soulmate appeared in your life. To remind you who you really are and why you chose to incarnate on this planet. It takes incredible amounts of strength to sit with yourself fully in the present and realize that you are limiting your own growth by holding onto the past while trying to plan out the future. You are to stay present. The best thing to do is hold love for your twin flame in space, but still focus solely on yourself so that healing is going to the energy necessary for balancing and harmony. We are only humans living our lives as best as we can. Searching for genuine happiness. Why does happiness have to be difficult to achieve, and even at best, we are always yet searching for it? Life is not about suffering but loving. The contrast is why are we all suffering instead of loving life.
Twin flames or soulmates come along for your to ascend to your true spirit or your true bliss. this is where unhappy people who were once stuck all their life, break free and walk through the door because they chose to do the work necessary. Here is the stage where you shift from he darkest part of your soul and soon become the greatest beacon for others to follow Every struggle was a huge marker for your own growth. Every step along your path was an accomplishment. It is our perspective of mind that questions the direction and how it was suppose to go. The path was already aligned for you to be here. There is no flaw up to this point. Right here reading this post, having the experiences and understanding the journey that you yourself needed to take to be in this presence and knowing you will be fine. Everything you have gathered up until now is all part of puzzle pieces and now we can put them all together and will now make sense and show a clearer picture where there once was none. There is a path of surrender to the idea of letting go and getting out of your way. Allowing your soul space to expand and to align so everything will show up and you will no longer have to force anything to come along easily. All possibilities look perfectly and divinely timed. Unless you finally understand and learn to go with the flow, you will only prolong this process of growth and home. How long can this take? Time itself is an illusion. You can recognize and realign yourself in a day or another year if you need this now. It depends on your path. The idea of letting go and surrender seems simple enough, but it is the hardest to do. It is very similar to jumping out of a plane without a parachute and hoping that you still land in one piece. Once you take that dive out of the plane, and become aligned with your soul's agreement, everything will show up right on time. Quiet the noise mind to listen to the silent heart will be the battle of resistance easing now into grace There many be an intense shift to move you through the night of the soul to see that this despair is truly an illusion supplied by your ego instead of what is accurate. This book is an ascending guide to assist you along your journey as you let go of your karmic patterns and become light self-being of truth. Cheers, Red Ferrari Owner of Get the Soulmate and Dump the Rest Author of Love in the 12th Dimension and Twinflames Reunite. www.loveinthe12thdimension.com FB :Get Your Soulmate and Dump the Rest & Twin Flame/Soulmate Readings, Coaching & Energy Cheers, The Red Ferrari, Owner of Get the Soulmate and Dump the Rest Author of Love in the 12th Dimension and Twinflames Reunite. www.loveinthe12thdimension.com FB :Get Your Soulmate and Dump the Rest
1 Comment
10/8/2022 02:34:36 am
Kitchen son place fear teach. Ahead live direction rule any fish.
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AuthorVicki Martin (AKA The Red Ferrari) is the author behind Love in the 12th Dimension, How To Manifest a Soulmate and Get The Soulmate And Dump The Rest as well as Rediscovering Abundance: Healing the Inner Child to Resolve Relationship Insecurities, Subconscious Pain, and Poverty She is a makeup artist, esthetician accountant, subtle energy therapist, workshop facilitator, artist, stylist, relationship coach, and mother of 4.. Her work across multiple disciplines broadly addresses narratives of human experiences within and shared with others. If you want to read more similar articles, to find out more about the author or to schedule an online healing session, visit www.loveinthe12thdimension.com Archives
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