We all need to heal ourselves before we can help heal others. Healing is not just clearing the physical, emotional and mental layers. True healing is for us to clear all layers (from Dimension 1 to Dimension 12) in our system. What are the Dimensions? Each dimension has a certain set of laws and principals that are specific to the frequencies of that dimension.
Those who resonate with a particular level of energy, referring to their vibration and light exist in that dimension. This is not to imply that one density is better than another water-ice-steam. Each are the same but at different densities and how fast the molecules are moving. The planes are neither above or below one another, but existing in the same space.
Each dimension has certain sets of laws and principles that are specific to the frequency of that dimension. Circular time means three dimensions cubed or 3 x 3 x 3 dimensions which = 27. Circular Time Theory states that over a very long period of time things will repeat. Over a very long period of time things will repeat almost exactly.
The Dimensions and how each work as we evolve: 1st Dimension -The Grounding Earth The first level of dimension is the earth. The universal energies are at play such as the law of gravity and holding the energy of the world together as a collection. This is our existence or our basic place of survival. The slowest in terms of vibratory rate. The physical matter. The soil where we grow from. The consciousness. Tap into this dimension by grounding your feet in soil or allowing your body to develop roots that go deep into the soil.
2nd Dimension – Our Ecosystem of life the second level of dimension is the natural existence of survival mode. The birds are part of a chain of ecology, but the birds are not being taught how to survive but follow an instinct and it is consistent with all living birds. This is a level of living as a man using non of the 5 senses belonging to us to learn but to live as to survive on life. The is the planet of trees, plants, animals and insects. Everything is alive and has intelligence. Here life the autonomic nervous system is used to maintain life support. Our 5 physical senses are unconscious of this. We could be in a deep sleep and all of the senses are still active with no control of our being. This is the dimension of basic instinct to survival.
3rd Intellectual, logical, rational mind, ego-LEARNING THROUGH INTELLIGENCE The dimension of self aware and self consciousness, rational thinking and intuitive thoughts. Free will is here This is where we find separation from their spirit and we are what we do. Ego is our guide. We wake up to a new day to work to pay our bills. Basic intelligence motivates our existence. The third level is where most of the living exist. This is the place of we work to earn a living to survive. We educate ourselves for knowledge and we use the 5 senses (taste, hear, see, sensation, feel) for our daily tasks. We are all separate individuals living life around other existing individuals. We collectively viewed our world from an ego eye, only seeing from our limited view of self. Here we work. We earn money. We pay bills. Nothing happens unless we do it. Nothing outside of ourselves. We live until death. This is the ego-man level of competition in this world.
4 Creative, imaginative, psychic, intuitive-REALIZING ENERGY IS OUTSIDE OF US Magic, time travel, karma, luck, mind reading, astral travel, medium-ship and many religions live here. This is where we see duality as dark exists as does light. This is the dimension of law of attraction and reiki and where we can see money can come in other ways besides labor. Magic and Energy The fourth level is the area of energy that exists outside of ourselves. This is a place where we hold divine forgiveness and compassion on our path. Once we fully inhabit this space, our outer world will begin to take shape in a whole new way. In the 4th dimension, we open more than ever before to our intuition and our ability to perceive and interact with other planes of existence. This is the home of reiki, manifestation with the mind, magic, past life regression, dark vs light, demons and evil exist we as well can feel someone is good, bad or attractive. More laws come into play such as the law of duality, the law of attraction and the law of metaphysics. This is the laws of duality, polarity, where we manifest from contrast and lack and trying to fix. Energy work is healing all the suffering and the clean up of the aftermath of destruction and breaking down the ego.
5 Pure intelligence, insight, love-LOVE IS TRUST AND UNCONDITIONAL-Heaven on Earth Here we live with no fear. I becomes we as this dimension is the collective consciousness. We are all connected. This is really love. The paradox of time is resolved in this dimension. Time is really an illusion and we understand when we become conscious of ourselves in all times and places. The past is connected to the now. Time is fast or slow based on vibrational energy. Pain and disease is healed in this dimension. This is where the opening of golden or white light. This is door to "Heaven" and "enlightenment". It is the place of light, the birthplace of heaven. In the 5th dimension, we can fully let go of any fears that we have been holding and we can soar upon angels’ wings into the arms of our Creator. We are not living in fear, judgement but peace, enlightenment, purpose, bliss, joy. Where fear no longer exists, and we are surrounded by trust, love and light. We manifest from love here.
6 Causal level, soul level (last level of individuality)SOUND IS VIBRATION The sixth dimension is mental in nature and based on ideas of information. Thoughts take form in this dimension before they manifest on the astral plane. Ideas take shape through sacred geometry. They are patterns of energy that hold our template, not only our bodies but also the collective information of our species. We are not a drop but an ocean of water which is a collection of millions of drops. This is collective consciousness. This is where we create a global level of ascension. You are a changing vibration. Vibration is a sound. The tuning fork in you will resonate with the tuning fork in another.
7 Oversoul level (group consciousness)VIBRATION CREATES SHAPE-THE COLLECTIVE Sound creates shape. This is the dimension of cosmic harmonics of creation. The first step is to take is to form the sacred geometry of the sixth dimension and to weave the notes and change our part in the creation. To create life as we want. So this is taking sixth dimension of sound and adding the shape of the sand that is sitting on the speaker with the base turned up. Watch the geometric shapes form. They create life as we want. Some have proven this level with the sound of music playing and seeing how the shapes of sand or dust will create lovely pat- terns of such detail within seconds of playing the vibrating sounds. This is the level of light of angels. Sounds mixed with energy. We can not always hear the sounds as they resonate so high. The buzzing noise in your ears may be connected to vibration at this level as your mind is merging with the energy of creation.
8 Avatar level (a high level of mastery) WE CAN MASTER OUR GIFTS THROUGH DIVINE This is the realm of the divine mind that manifests our galaxy. This is the divine light the consciousness of creation. All potentials exist in the eight. This is the mystic and the intuitive site. This is the realm of the divine mind that manifests our galaxy. This is not the realm of simply light, it is the consciousness of creation.
9 Christ level (unconditionally loving consciousness) WE ARE ASCENSION MASTERS Portal of higher consciousness outside of earth, new universe. Here meditation creates vision and vision can impact our lives. Aided by guardians, this is where time waves emerge. This is Christ consciousness. Christ Consciousness is an awareness of the higher self as part of a universal system. Although it can be interpreted in a number of ways, a common understanding is that Christ Consciousness is the state of consciousness in which a person has found self-realization and unity with God or the Divine. It may also for the yogic and Hindu concept of samadhi, or deep spiritual bliss.
10 Cosmic level (cosmic consciousness) 1 PLUS 0 -INTENTION This is the shamans world tree, the tree of light. The mixture of Yin- Yang. Here is something out of nothing- The law of intention. The world of everything and not just one sided. To experience the truth-this is presented by both sides. The journey of retrieval of the soul, clearing of entities but the vision of pain. This is the force of evolution to propels the divine plan to completion. The living light is within everything and we are everything.
11 God level (God consciousness) 1 PLUS 1 IS -I SEE YOU IN ME This is the first realm of universal consciousness- the big bang. We are exactly equal but different. This is the merging of the yin and the yang energies. This is right forms into left and both is part of one. Is the first realm of universal consciousness. We are all exactly equal but individually different. This is the merging of female and masculine or yin and yang energies. This is the level of twin flames evolution and ascension. Two distinct energies infusion. This is where activation happens for twins once the clearing of chakras for both parties to force more inner truth.
12 Universal level (Universal consciousness) 1 PLUS 1 AND GOD-UNION -WE ARE ALL ONE The universal creative source. The merging of all existing realities. God. Nothing exists that is not part of the whole. I see you in me. The twelfth dimension is the creative source. The merging of all existing realities. Nothing exists that is not part of the whole. This is where twin flames are merged with god as one. We are all connected. We are all purely a reflection of God to each other. The illusion of separation is non-existent as every tree, animal and living thing is part of a whole. This is where we are love as God and everyone is part of us. This is where union takes place. This is where all lives are one now.
13 The Void, the Great Mystery-OTHER UNIVERSES The gateway to the universes beyond our own universe. This dimension allows you to travel to other universes. This is the portal of the unknown.
Planes constitute the physical and the higher etheric levels of existence in our solar system. The personality relates to one of the planes. There are 7 solar planes which may be considered seven rarefications of substance, graded impulses, or energy, differentiated by the sounding of a keynote and held stable by the continuing vibration of that sound's tonic chord. The concept of an individualized personality is found in the lower three planes, the Physical, Astral and Manas (Mental) planes. The Buddhic, Atmic, Monadic and Logoic Planes make up the other 4 of the 7 solar planes. The individualized personality is rooted in the physical plane and can be also be experienced in the astral and mental planes, but usually not beyond those. The Buddhic plane is the plane of true spiritual insight and intuition (not ordinary psychic feeling, which is astral) and the plane of all encompassing love and unity. The Akashic records which contain the history and sum total of the past of everything everywhere are ultimately on this level of unification. Beyond any type of matter, dimension, or evolution as we can think of, the Monadic Plane is the plane of "will" where monads, the ultimate divine spiritual spark in all living things, express themselves and evolve and create on the lower planes. A "Logos" can be thought of as a vast deity which has the ability to be a Creator, i.e. to create spiritual life from itself. The great beings who are main planets, stars, galaxies, and beyond are "on this level".
The planes work in a system and they inter-penetrate each other fully. They are not "parallel dimensions" or separate identities. They are not layered on top of each other but rather within each other, and not in the way that you would imagine an onion skin, but more along the lines of two exact things being in the same place at the same time.