The first step toward inner peace is to practice meditation. I suggest breaking the rules about how meditation is supposed to be so that you find a way that is fun for you. Try different ways of meditation, and there is likely to be one for you. There are so many ways of meditating from guided meditations to simply being quiet. You can lie down or sit up. Personally, I prefer to sit with my spine straight. I find the time between waking and sleeping to be really great for receiving information, so try to meditate first thing in the morning or before you go to sleep. Otherwise, setting a positive tone for your day is created if you meditate sometime in the morning.
Some Possibilities that I love for Meditation: 1. You can imagine being in your own heart space and ask to meet your guide. Make yourself small and imagine going down physically into your heart chamber, and then the high heart area. I imagine a little spiral staircase upward from the heart chakra to the high heart. See your inner world as a room and ask to see it, feel it, and experience it. Ask to connect with your guides who are aligned with unconditional love to do so, and ask one to show up for you. See if the form of the guide is a message in itself. Ask if there is a message for you. You may see imagery that you can then decode, or you may hear words or just know something. Be sure to write down what you experience so you can build this skill, kind of like keeping a dream journal. Spirit speaks in metaphor and symbols, especially designed for you. And if you get anything you want to share, I would love to hear how you are doing and what you are discovering.
2. You can connect to the earth and bring up earth energies to your heart and then you can mix them with light energies coming in through your crown chakra. You can feel yourself in column of light, connected to the earth, as if the core of yourself extends to the earth and there was spiral flow up into your body from the ground. I see Mother Earth's energies as feminine, and landing in my heart. They mix with the father's energies that are celestial coming from the heavens and there is also a spiral flow through my crown and core. In the heart, the feminine and masculine energies mix and balance inside. It sounds complicated but for me it is something I see and also feel in a short amount of time. Change the visualizing to your own preference by adding or subtracting what you want. This meditation is to get started and then you can see where it goes from there. Being in the heart space and feeling the vibration or tingle there is always something that I find useful as a focal point of awareness.
3. Meet your teacher or guide inside, and ask questions. Use automatic writing to get answers. Once you imagine your guide is with you, you can start. It takes going into the heart, or calling forward the connection with all spiritual guides and teachers aligned with unconditonal love. It is perfectly okay if at first you don't see or hear or get much, but keep going and celebrate something small. It will grow as you practice this. Once the presence of your guide is there, you can ask questions. Imagine they are across a table from you and writing on a piece of paper. You write a question and they answer. You can do this on a real paper, or you can do it with a computer. It is likely to help if you have your eyes semi-closed. You ask to see answers written down for you in your imagination if you prefer. I start by asking “Are you there?” to my guide. I get a yes, or a feeling that they are there. In automatic writing, it is like text chatting on the internet. You type or write a question, then receive an answer which you type out from them. Ask open ended or yes/no questions. For example, you might ask if they have a message for you. With yes/no questions you can either feel yes and no that is kinesthetic in your body, use a pendulum, or try this idea. Ask to see yes or no written in the air in your mind's eye. I see it in gold writing in script but it can be anyway your subconscious wants to show you.
Keep playing with meditation and do it regularly, and enjoy it. Doing this is for the fun of it, not for some outcome until you are more skilled, will yield better results. It will deepen your connection to yourself.