Muscle Testing supports a Holistic Health program by pinpointing any energy blockages in the body. Using the biofeedback gathered from testing, a practitioner can determine the proper Energy Therapy treatment. Muscle testing can be used to tap into the subconscious mind to answer questions about physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It’s a noninvasive method designed to determine the potential underlying causes of ailments and discomfort — everything from nutritional needs to trapped emotions.
We can tap into this relationship between the subconscious and conscious and energy by asking “true/false” questions, and then checking the body’s response. Response can be checked a number of ways, but is often done with methods like the Arm Test, where the subject simply holds one arm outstretched in front of them, parallel to the floor. Here in this demonstration I places two fingers on the subject’s wrist, and asks a question, placing a small amount of pressure on the wrist. If the subject’s arm resists, that is a “strong response,” and it equates to a “yes” answer. If the arm gives way under the pressure, that’s a “weak response,” and equals a “no” answer. This strong response/weak response is the basis of muscle testing.
The Sway Test
The easiest method of self muscle testing to learn is called The Sway Test. The sway test is where the body might respond by swaying either forward or backward. The idea is that your body sways forward toward truth, positivity, or congruency, and that it sways backward, away from negativity, falsehood, or in-congruency. This goes back to the intelligence of your subconscious mind, knowing what’s true and what’s false.
Before attempting the sway test it’s a good idea to turn off any music or TV as they can interfere with the testing, especially when you are first learning. Stand relaxed, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands down by your sides. Close your eyes and focus on the instructions. The first thing you might notice while you’re standing there is that there could be a little bit of movement going on all the time. The body tends to sway a little bit forward and a little bit backward and sometimes it might sway a little to the side, left to right. That is simply the oscillation that takes place when the body is trying to maintain a perfect upright posture. The postural muscles are just working to keep the body standing upright, and that’s normal.
Now, think about war. Hold that thought in your mind while you’re standing there. If you think about all the people who have died, all the families that have been torn apart, all the tragedy, all the people who have been hurt, all the destruction. You should notice that your body may try to recoil away from this thought that you’ve put out in front of you. You’ll likely find yourself swaying backwards, away from the thought of war, because that thought is so negative. This backward movement usually happens within 3 to 10 seconds, but maybe sooner.
Once you have that response, clear your mind and instead think about love. Imagine that you are a being of unconditional love, that your heart is a generator of unconditional love. That beautiful energy flows out of your heart and fills the immensity of space. Imagine that you love everyone unconditionally no matter who they are. Imagine what it would be like to be loved and accepted unconditionally by others in return. As you hold the thought of unconditional love in your mind, you’ll likely find your body wanting to sway forward, toward the positivity, the congruency and the beauty of that thought of unconditional love. Again, this forward movement usually begins within 3 to 10 seconds, but maybe sooner. Once you can get a clear and accurate answer for each of these exercises, you have likely achieved a proper baseline test. This means you should be testable, and can go forward to use the sway test for other questions or statements. The sway test can be used for any of the questions that you want to ask the subconscious.