To feel more joy. More in Love and more in Peace. It has always resided within you. You are in the process of the accelerated awareness of this. This is your Destiny.
Turn your focus in, to the feelings within you. Loving those feelings. Even if those feelings are uncomfortable. Love yourself. Care for yourself. Be gentle with yourself. Never judge yourself. This is the entry place, where beautiful dreams are made real. And manifest for you, through this Being the Being of Light, filled with Love, that you eternally are.
Love does not occur outside of you. Love takes place within you. To receive takes place within you. When you vibrate with love, joy and peace, all matter, transforms and CONFORMS to this love, joy and peace. As a physical Manifestation.
This takes place through the wisdom of your Soul.
1. Love Yourself Make a list of all the things you love about yourself and who you are as a person. Before you continue, it is very important that you can truly love yourself and find self-worth in order to be in a non-attached relationship. If you cannot, you cannot achieve steps 2-7. It also means that it’s time to start reflecting about how you came to a place in your life without self-love. Contact me for guidance on this journey. ***If you can’t love yourself, you cannot truly love your partner for who he/she is.
2. Understand Your Attached Relationship Become aware that you are in an attached loving relationship. a. Write down all the ways your partner makes you feel good and not so good i. John makes me feel happy. ii. Jane makes me feel loved. iii. John can make me so angry sometimes when he.. iv. Jane frustrates me when she… b. Make a note of why you love about your partner, keep yourself out of the equation i. John is creative. ii. Jane is passionate.
3. Who Loves You, You? Ask yourself whether or not you choose to love yourself in this relationship or if you have become dependent on your partner to make you feel love.
4. Be Aware of Emotional Changes Reflect on how you feel when John or Jane comes home in a bad mood. Or, gets angry with you and does not act lovingly. How does your mood and self-worth/doubt change as a result? a. Wait until this happens again and next time, be aware of your reaction.
5. Before Reacting the Next Time; Stop, Think, Act Now try this: Next time your partner gets into a shitty mood or angry at a situation, try to stay aware of how your emotions may change as a result. a. Notice if they begin to dip or dive. b. Be aware of your emotions, separate your emotions from your partners’ emotions c. Remember the attitude you had before it changed and try to get back to that space. d. In this way, you can support your partner’s anger without falling victim to it. e. If you were unable to achieve this the first time, be patient with yourself and try again and again.
6. Try to Love Without Need Try loving your partner without asking or expecting anything in return, but because you want to love him/her. Do things for him without telling him. Once you talk about something you did, you are looking for something in return. See how it feels to plan something special for someone without taking credit for the deed. 7. Feel the Freedom of Depending on yourself for Love Over time, a few weeks or months, see how your outlook on life has changed. Notice how you rely on yourself for love and appreciate the love your partner gives you rather than demanding and expecting your partner’s love. Be aware of how you are able to give to your partner more freely and you enjoy giving. See if/ how your joy in receiving from your partner changes. Enjoy your newfound freedom and newfound love for yourself. Enjoy loving your partner with purity and kindness and true love. Enjoy loving yourself the way no one else can.
Why do we want love? Why do you want love? I know why we all need love, but why do you want love? Let's look at what that means.
We want what we do not have. Love comes when we have it already. How? When we want love, we are looking at what we are lacking in our lives, love. We want to see love within ourselves so we want a partner to reflect what we want to see. Depending on what we have already inside, that same energy will be reflected back to us.
Does that mean an abusive relationship is because we are holding onto a need to be abused? No, but the lack of complete unconditional love within shows different parts that are not for love within but learning. What made you attract this abuse through the person depends on where your journey of lessons take place. We all come into the world with lessons. Some may appear to be more challenging but that depends on the choices we make along the way.
Originally we do chose our parents when we decide on our journey of life. The parents share with us their energy as we are birthed and moving forward. They may be loving and nurturing, but how much are they holding on to pain, fear, or suffering from their own past lessons. What energy played a part in their birth. This is the energy of DNA and the energy of past lives is also mingled within. How do we not become overwhelmed? How do we become love again? We live and we heal. When we first went along our path to live in this physical body, our soul was only light and unconditional love. Not only did our learning from past lives start healing they were a part of our energetic makeup to decide on the journey and path to live in the current lifetime.
Many believe God is punishing us through our many challenges but each journey is a process of healing. Each life is a chance to heal another aspect of the soul. A child is not born with cancer unless the cancer was manifested through the darkened energy of the soul. When once healed, that aspect is no longer to be learned if once completed properly. Not to say that soul will not have cancer again but that the soul will then heal the cancer at another time. God does not punish us. God is love and he is giving us the ability to love ourselves to heal all aspects of our soul.
Only once you see the bigger picture of forgiveness and see suffering as a mere chance to heal, not to be a reason to lose hope as suffering is our own energy and choices. The lesson is only temporary. Once the lesson is learned, it is gone. The only part left is to release the lesson by living in the now and not part of that past. Mothers share this energy with their children, fathers share this energy with their spouse. Each day is a miracle for others to heal and live with divine unconditional love. Love that is pure from all lessons. This is from my book - Vicki Martin
What is mirror gazing? To mirror gaze, you use a mirror to make eye contact with your own reflection instead of closing your eyes and turning your attention inward. This practice can become deeply intimate, since it requires you to spend a few quiet, mindful moments sitting with not just your thoughts, but your own watchful eyes.
Looking at yourself in a mirror might make you feel uncomfortable when your reflection reminds you of imperfections and weaknesses. But when you look at yourself the way you want others to look deep into your soul, you will notice everyone will start to connect shortly after doing this exercise. Perhaps say something you would like to hear. What was your reaction. Did you feel uncomfortable? This is showing you how you are pushing away the energy of the very same thing you want others to say to you. This exercise will shift your energy by first opening up to the receiving of words, acceptance, unconditional love and appreciation.