Definition of polarity pluralpolarities 1 : the quality or condition inherent in a body that exhibits opposite properties or powers in opposite parts or directions or that exhibits contrasted properties or powers in contrasted parts or directions : the condition of having poles
2 : attraction toward a particular object or in a specific direction
3 : the particular state either positive or negative with reference to the two poles or to electrification
4 a : diametrical opposition b : an instance of such opposition
Yesterday I had a client who was telling me of various degree of symptoms she was experiencing, and I thought to check her polarities. My instincts were correct.
You probably suffer from polarity reversal if you feel: 1. stressed out 2. fatigue 3. brain fog and no focus 4. clumsiness 5. headaches 6. overall feeling of malaise or drained constantly 7. you get sick and healing doesn’t happen or takes longer than usual 8. supplements don’t work and you have adverse side effects 9. you seem intolerant to drugs and alcohol
Polar reversal means many things serving healing and health is going in reverse physically.
What Causes Polarity Reversal? Your intricate meridian system is easily blown for several reasons. Some are: · · Dehydration: Lack of clean, fresh water interferes with proper electrical impulses · Computers and electronics such as tvs, cell phones etc. · Florescent lights · insomnia · Stress · Trauma · Other people (this is very contagious energy) · Extended flights and travel
One of the other observations about this set of circumstances is that the person may react the opposite way to a substance than what is expected. For example, coffee makes them sleepy or a sleeping pill may keep them awake or headache medication makes things worse, not better.
We are all energy fields – we emit energy and we receive energy. Whether you realize it or not, you are sensitive to other people’s energy. You will easily take on the negative like a tuning fork. As a adaptive nature magnet we can easily be effected by man made electronics and magnet devices.
Checking your own polarity for reversal or disorganization:
1) Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Bend your knees slightly. Place either hand 3-5" over your crown chakra (top of your head) with the palm facing downward. Allow your body to rock naturally. Your body should rock forward.
2) Do the same thing again, but this time with your palm facing upwards. Your body should rock backwards.
If your body didn't do these things or you got the same answer for both tests, then your polarity is reversed or disorganized, You can correct your own polarity by doing this:
Sit in a chair with your legs extended and your back straight. Cross your ankles in whatever way feels most comfortable. Extend your arms out in front of you with the palms facing the floor, and then cross your wrists so that the top arm is the opposite of the top crossed leg. Turn your wrists inward so that your palms face each other, while maintaining the predetermined top arm from before, now interlace your fingers. Keeping this grasp, bring your hands under and then up, to bring your clasped/interlaced hands to your chest. (You should be feeling like a pretzel about now) PRESS THE TIP OF YOUR TONGUE TO THE PALATE JUST BEHIND THE FRONT TEETH. Hold this position for several minutes.
Then, uncross your hands and feet and place your hands in a prayer position, with ONLY the fingertips touching, and your fingers spread out. DISCONNECT THE TIP OF YOUR TONGUE FROM THE PALATE AND KEEP IT ON THE FLOOR OF YOUR MOUTH. Hold this position for several minutes.
Now, here's the next REALLY neat part of this.... once you know that your electromagnetic field is flowing in the right direction, you can actually use your body to dowse what it really wants and needs. It works like this.. once you pass the rocking forward and back test and feel good about that, you can hold any product in your hands, to your chest. Close you eyes and relax with that product in your hands and hold the product in your hands up to your heart chakra . If your body rocks forward, then your body likes it. If your body rocks backwards, then they product isn't going to work for you.This works for testing food in the grocery store, too.
Selenite corrects polarity. It is very useful when you have pain in a specific part of your body. Put the selenite there and it will often correct the polarity so energy starts moving and the pain will likely subside. No need to clean the Selenite.
How does the poles work in our bodies: NORTH (Negative) Pole --YIN, counter-clockwise spin of electrons The North magnetic pole is used for hyper metabolic, hypertensive conditions for it slows down cellular metabolism, inhibiting and sedating. It is clearing, eliminative, detoxifying, dispersing, cooling, soothing and retarding. N pole energy applied to nerves lowers their sensitivity and reduces pain and swelling, remedies cellular acidosis and promotes tissue alkalinization, promotes sleep, increases tissue oxygenation, reduces infections and inflammations. The Yin N pole calms the nervous system, assists in relief of addictive tendencies; it can stop such symptoms as nervousness, hallucinations, delusions, seizures, or panic without disrupting alertness. It can be applied for the initial inflammatory response to any injury. When a condition becomes chronic then we need to switch to the more strengthening, tonifying S pole to relieve symptoms. North is counterindicated for deficiency conditions, coldness, low metabolism, stagnation and weakness. SOUTH (Positive) Pole-- YANG, clockwise spin of electrons The South magnetic pole is heating, tonifying, strengthening, building, heating and increases cellular metabolism. For regeneration of cells and tissues, magnets over 7000 gauss are extremely effective. Indiscriminately accelerates growth, increases swelling, promotes tissue acidity, decreases tissue oxygenation and increases inflammation. S pole energy applied to nerves increases their sensitivity, so can be used to strengthen nerves. The S pole can be used for pains caused by weakness, coldness and deficiency-burnout conditions, also for low metabolism, low energy, weak digestion and weak immune system. Because the S pole promotes growth, it should never be directly applied on cancerous tumors, bacterial, viral infections or parasites. Nor for hyper conditions such as anxiety, insomnia or aggravated emotions.
Correcting Polarity
When your body has lost polarity it means there is no north-south tension between those opposite poles. It means energy is stuck. It means there is no flow of energy as energy usually flows between the north and south poles—just like in a battery where there is a + pole and a – pole. When walking on the earth our heads are magnetically north and our feet on the earth are magnetically south. In energy medicine we can lose polarity in our field, our meridians, our chakras, or really any energy system. Polarity can be frozen or reversed. We can also lose energy in specific organs or muscles. There are various common threats to our body’s natural polarity: cell phones, microwaves, computers, laptops, I-pads, TV, high-tension wires, magnets, motors, exercise bikes, cars, etc. There are many sources of EMF’s (electromagnetic frequencies), electro smog, and electromagnetic radiation. And there are highly charged plasma particles occasionally ejected from the sun in what is known as CME’s or Coronal Mass Ejections. You can find about this on the internet. It is a serious threat to our health and well-being. Our houses have electric wiring that generates electrical fields that can disturb our polarity. There are devices that can absorb the “dirty” part of normal household electricity. Often wireless service in a house produces EMF’s that are disruptive to the body’s polarity and energy systems. The good news is that there are things we can do to preserve, correct, or restore our polarity.
To correct lost polarity there are several things one can do: One: Donna Eden’s preferred method is to use a stainless steel spoon (one that has enough iron in the steel to attract a magnet) and rub it over the bottoms of the feet. This can correct polarity in the entire system. You might also rub the spoon over the body and in the field around the body.
Two: You can use the mineral selenite. It is best to use a 6” wand, 1” in diameter. Rub it over the body or in the field as in the spooning above. Selenite corrects polarity. It is very useful when you have pain in a specific part of your body. Put the selenite there and it will often correct the polarity so energy starts moving and the pain will likely subside. No need to clean the selenite. It maintains it’s ability to correct polarity without having to clear it in salt water as with other crystals.
Three: You can use a magnet but first please read cautions below. There is a north and south side of every magnet. You can spin a donut-shaped magnet in the field around the body, over a muscle or organ (and especially over an area where there is pain), or over the chakras, or over alarm points, or over acupuncture points. The spinning magnet will often restore the polarity in that area, in the meridian, or in the field.
Four: You can use your hands. The palm side of your hand is the south side (magnetically) and the back of your hand is the north side (magnetically). Same with the fingers. The pads of the fingertips are south and the nail side north. So, you can flip your hands (palm side, back side, palm side, back side) on an organ or painful place on your body to correct the lost polarity in that area. Often when people are not well-grounded their quadriceps muscles lose their polarity so flipping the hands on the quadriceps (thigh muscles) is a good way to get the energy flowing again. Another application of flipping hands is to flip your hands on the kidneys just below your rib cage in your lower back. Restoring the polarity of the kidneys often helps restore the polarity in the entire body, organs, chakras, and field. Five: You can correct the polarity in the field by placing your hands, palm side down (south), on your quadriceps. Then, bending your arms at the elbows, bring the back of your hands (north) up to your collar bones. Then bring your palms down to your quadriceps then the back side of your hands up to your collar bones again. Repeat five more times. Then, with your hands at your collar bones, turn your hands so the palm side of your hands is at your collar bones. Bring your hands down to your quadriceps and touch the quadriceps with the back of your hands. Then bring the palm side of your hands up to your collar bones and then the back sides of your hands down to the quadriceps. Repeat five more times. When your polarity is correct, energy moves normally. When you have a painful condition or an organ that is distressed try correcting the polarity on that organ to see if it improves the functioning of that organ. Restoring lost polarity is a simple exercise and often noticeably reduces pain and restores the function of an energy system or organ. I believe it is beneficial to correct polarity before going to sleep at night. Also, it is beneficial to restore polarity after exercise as sometimes our bodies lose polarity as a defense against stress. Experiment on yourself and see how you feel.
Cautions when using magnets: First of all, about 10% of people are “magnet sensitive” meaning they lose energy when they are around magnets. This could mean they can’t be in the same room as a magnet (even a small 1 1/4 inch donut-shaped magnet) without feeling ill, nauseous, dizzy, spacey, or starting a headache or migraine. Or it could be more subtle—like they just can’t spend more than a half-hour near their computer or can’t be in the same room as a microwave when it is on. Or they couldn’t be near a cell phone tower or high-tension power lines without feeling very ill. Anyway, if you are magnet sensitive then you shouldn’t be around magnets at all until you see an energy medicine professional who can teach you the simple exercises that will keep your energies balanced and your auric field strong. Then, when your energies are balanced and strong, you will be able to handle magnets without an abreaction. In the meanwhile, if you are magnet-sensitive, you might be able to use a crystal. There are cut glass crystal pendants available that are about an inch or more in diameter that have many facets. Those facets reflect light and can often replace magnets functionally. You may also use your hand as a magnet—palm side is south and the back of your hand is north. I should add that some people are very, very sensitive—so much so that they cannot tolerate anyone touching them (after all, our hands are full of energy). Highly sensitive people like that could benefit from working with an energy medicine professional who would have to work in the field around their body until their field was strong enough for them to tolerate touch.
Secondly, keep magnets away from your cell phone and your credit cards and digital watches. Magnets can wipe out electronic information. And in general, don’t sleep in the same room as your cell phone. Cell phones are constantly sending and receiving information.