an Empath is a person who absorbs other people’s emotions and experiences these emotions as if they were their own. Empathic people are extremely sensitive to the emotional energy of those around them and as a result, tend to commonly experience energetic overload in the form of fatigue, anxiety, and depression. However, despite the tendency to “soak up” the energy of other beings, Empaths are highly compassionate, loving, intuitive, and insightful people.
Symptoms of being an Empath:
· Acute senses - i.e. sense of smell, taste, sight, touch, hearing etc. · Acute awareness of the feelings of those around them and feeling deeply for those in pain or suffering · Often easily hurt · Avoidance of conflict where possible preferring to keep things harmonious · Easily startled by noise · Easily moved to tears because of deep feeling · Nervous in crowded situations · People feel safe around them and able to talk to them easily. Even complete strangers will talk to them about personal things without consciously intending to do so · Animals and children love and are attracted to them · Easily affected by the weather · Their greatest gift is to perceive with the heart · They are usually a blessing to be around as they are nurturing and caring · Music and harmony are very important to them. They can lose themselves completely while listening to music that resonates with them. · Water is very beneficial and therapeutic to the empathy
This is always confusing when you are an empath, but be aware not everyone is an empath but some want to be to overcome their victim mentality. It gives them a sense of ego embellishment and a form of "I am" that is attention seeking. Unfortunately those who over use their sacral chakra to feel out the other is more so under the following category:Psychic Attacks and OthersA psychic vampire is a person that steals other people’s energies because they are living their life in victim consciousness and believe that everything happens ‘to’ them. Living in this manner is very disempowering. Therefore in order for them to feel better about themselves they need to attach themselves to another person’s energy field. In order for this ‘vampire’ to attach themselves to your energy body, they form cords attaching the two of you together. When they need a boost, they unconsciously steal your energy instead of using their own! These cords are also like highways and run both ways! That means that you will also receive their energy whether it is positive or negative. If they have a headache, you may also develop a headache. It they are depressed, you may become depressed. If they are angry, you may become angry and so on. As you can see this can be very detrimental to your health. At an unconscious level, you have allowed the vampire or vampires to attach themselves to your energy body through these cords. These cords are not visible to the naked eye but they can be seen with the psychic third eye. These cords prevent you from really being the real you! It is imperative that these cords be severed and sometimes a spiritual purification is required for your well-being and also for the growth of the other person. How do we recognize a Psychic Vampire? Some traits of the dis-empowered energy stealer are: – feels lonely or abandoned – feels they have been rejected – needs constant reassurance – never feels satisfied – doesn’t like to be alone – seeks nurturing or feels they need to be taken care of – low energy and fatigued – they have a poor me attitude – is a drama king or queen – constant talker that never allows you to speak – needs you to be their therapist or rescuer fixing their problems – the blamer making you feel guilty about things – vindictive by putting you down – a person that is unhappy a lot – tries controlling you or your life – manipulates you to get things their way
How do I know if I am being psychically attacked? – dizziness – loss of energy – muscle tension – mental confusion – headaches – chronic fatigue – sleep disturbances – irritability – depressed mood – physical illness – small diminishing aura – leaks, holes and/or tears in your aura – and a whole lot more!
I know, you are now thinking that is almost everyone alive! Unfortunately, too many people are simply not aware of their energetic bodies and how they operate. Once people start taking responsibility for creating their own lives and taking back their personal power this lessen. Those that psychically attack others either do this consciously or subconsciously. Either way it is detrimental to your health, in all areas of your energetic being, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
How do I protect myself from this? First you need to become aware of which individuals deplete your energy and limit your contact with them. But simply not being in their physical presence does not stop them from draining you! Know that not all people attacking you are people that you know either! Secondly, you need to release all the negative emotions that you carry within yourself. If you hold anger, hurt, jealousy etc. inside your being, it is like you are shackled to a ball and chain, holding you hostage with your own creation!
Releasing of all negative emotions brings freedom as fear is the robber of peace. Because any disharmony in our four energetic bodies will cause us to be vulnerable, so that darkness and confusion can enter. Being aware of this is empowering. Do not go into fear now that you are aware of this. Simply take the steps to protect yourself. Darkness consists of anything that is of a lower/heavier vibration such as anger, fear, depression, jealousy, hatred etc. When angry thoughts are directed at you, they can penetrate your weak and vulnerable areas like arrows.
What happens is they take away your clarity and fill you with confusion and drain your energy. Following are some tools to empower yourself from Psychic Vampires.
Here is a simple cord cutting exercise. Cord cutting should be done on a daily basis and much more often when we are going through a stressful period in our life. These cords should be cut from our loved ones as well. Attachment is a negative energy meaning "you must hold me up as I am not able to do this myself" The only one that should carry you through a difficult time is the holy spirit and your higher self. We are only a reflection of within and when we see that we are complete, we do not need anything outside of ourselves to fulfill that need.
– Take some deep cleansing breaths. In through the nose and out through the mouth. Call upon Arch Angel Michael and ask him for his assistance in cutting all cords that are attached to your being. Ask that all cords are removed with ease and grace for all parties involved. Visualize Michael swirling his sword around your entire being severing all the cords. Know that no cord can remain intact and they are returning to where they came from. When you feel Michael has completed this process, thank him for his assistance. It is done. Easy as that! Here are some physical steps for purification. Usually I repeat often, anything that is not me or energy of not mine, return back to sender. Clear, it is now done.
– Burn all relevant photographs or objects holding memories of the person, place or situation. – Write down all feelings of frustration, anger, hurt, fear, etc., and burn the paper, flush it down the toilet or bury it. Please don’t give it to the person! Repeat this step as often as necessary. – Clear all the clutter from every room of your home. Rule of thumb. If you haven’t used in 6 months it’s not likely you will! Get rid of it. – Clean and if necessary redecorate your home. Bringing nature indoors is wonderful energy! – Check there are no books in your bookshelves or pictures on your walls that have negative energy. Surround yourself with high vibrational objects, spiritual books, spiritual pictures, plants, fresh flowers etc. – Sprinkle holy water in all rooms starting at the center spiraling outwards. – Smudge with sage, cedar and sweetgrass and invoke the help of God, the divine beings, your Higher self and I AM Presence. – Play sacred music and sing, chant OM or connect with the divine with prayers. – Cleanse and purify your crystals and dedicate them to the Light. – Light candles and use high vibrational pure essential oils.
There are many disciplines that are effective in repelling negative energies such as visualizations, prayers, meditative imagery as well as sound and light frequency generators. Whatever resource you choose, the challenge is to put all of this into daily practice. It is essential that you develop a specific routine. We live within fields of a clever, responsive, energy-dynamic universe, in which other people’s anticipations and assumptions radiate outward to influence us.
The last step, therefore, is to raise your own energy field so that you not only move out of negative energy pockets but that you create a new pocket of positive energy through your intention and your attitude wherever you go. It’s all about energy. Everything, including ourselves, is nothing more than a field of energy, all interacting and influencing each other. You can do this! You now have the tools and knowledge to take back your personal power. But the most important step is to know all is well and that you are safe and loved by believing you are protected. I invite you to empower yourself today!
Everyone has psychic blocks to one degree or another, so the point isn’t to be completely clear of them. The point is to be aware of them, and deal with them promptly as they arise. Sometimes we become ashamed of our blocks, so we don’t admit them to ourselves or others. Yet, blocks are nothing to be ashamed of. They are, however, areas of our life that require our attention.
1. Healing during sleep: When we’re sleeping, our skeptical mind is also asleep. That’s why it’s a perfect time to engage in spiritual healing. With the mind asleep, your ego can’t block the angels from performing miraculous clearings on you. So, as soon as you’re ready to open up your clairvoyance, ask your angels and anyone else in the spirit world with whom you work to come into your dreams. An example of how to ask is, “Archangel Raphael, I ask that you enter into my dreams tonight. Please send healing energy to my third eye, and heal away any fears that could be blocking my clairvoyance. Please help me to see clearly with my spiritual sight.”
2. Cutting cords to family members: If you realize that you’re afraid of your mom’s judgments about psychic abilities, for instance, you can use the cord-cutting techniques described earlier and direct them specifically toward cutting the cords of fear toward your mother. Repeat the process for any person (family member or otherwise) whom you worry about having a negative reaction to your clairvoyance. In addition, cut the cords with any individual from your past who ridiculed or punished you for being psychic. At any time you are cutting cords, you must do this from a place of highest good and for all parties involved. That these cords were formed from a process of learning and that the time is come to remove them. Allow love and light to heal these cords instead of trying to control a situation
3. Positive affirmations: I’m amazed by how many bright, knowledgeable metaphysicians complain to me that they’re “just not visual.” When I point out that this statement is a negative affirmation, they realize that these words are blocking their clairvoyance. Then, they begin using positive affirmations to describe what they desire instead of what they fear. “I am highly visual” and “I am profoundly clairvoyant” are examples of positive affirmations to say to yourself, even if you don’t yet believe that they’re true. Believe me-reality always catches up to your affirmed thoughts!
4. Calling on the angels of clairvoyance: There are specialist angels for every situation, and psychic development is no exception. The “Angels of Clairvoyance” monitor and minister to our third-eye chakras, helping us develop spiritual sight. Mentally say, Angels of Clairvoyance, I call upon you now. Please surround my third eye with your healing and clearing energy. I ask for your help and assistance in fully opening my window of clairvoyance now. Thank you. “You will probably feel tingles and air-pressure changes in your head—especially between your two physical eyes—as the angels of clairvoyance do their healing work