”The goal remains love All, heal All, and All will remedy All.” ~ Brian Baruch The law of ascension is a law characterization of the high vibrational frequency where a soul is resonating at a higher level of frequency that continues to rise. The density of human existence is the ego thoughts and negative components that are within the different parts of the subconscious and conscious mind. The vibration will lighten as the illusions fall away and most no longer are in existence. This process is energy vibrating at a different faster frequency which changes the structure and reformates our physical body as well and mental body energetically. This higher vibration will increases your frequency to higher levels of awareness and clarity. One can do not recognize in another what is not already within us. Resonation is how we perceive circumstances and process our information and the result of that process can be a negative or positive reaction depending on our development.
Many are attracted to those who hold such a high frequency. The beauty of one’s face can be easily distorted by nothing more than one frequency of energy. Those who vibrate high, appear attractive within and can pull those near just as a lightbulb attracts moths to the brightness of the light. As you evolve higher into consciousness, awareness brings other states of existence and newer experiences that are fulfilling and rewarding even more so than before. Depending on the frequency and vibration of the soul, the density of the physical body, and surroundings, there may be an easy transition or in some cases, symptoms associated with this level of evolution. Most are not aware of why they suddenly experience these minor physical symptoms but during the transitions, many can become very alarmed and want to find root causes to these symptoms to have confirmation of what has been happening since this process has begun. In most cases, once you are activated by your twin flame relationship, these symptoms can begin immediately and the duration of the high vibrating energetic processes. They can disappear just as quickly when you both shift in perception and start again during another level of growth. These symptoms can appear and stay or come and go periodically. They are directly related to the changes in frequencies. They are to be seen as a good sign of big change and rewarding growth. Some of the symptoms are headaches, flu-like symptoms, loose bowel movements, ringing ears, body aches, depression, anxiety, heart pressure and discomfort, panic attacks, heat, hot flashes, excessive energy, decrease in energy, weight gain, dizziness. In any case, please consult your physician and do not disregard as only this in case of any underlying illnesses that could be also what you are having symptoms of. Headaches are from the expansion of the crown chakra. Too much energy can be flowing through the crown. Most common in the feminine energy also increased by changes in hormones which are connected to the chakras. As the vibrational rate increases, the pineal and pituitary glands expand to accommodate the new frequencies. The flu-like symptoms are caused by the purging of toxins and releasing of the negative energy that is being replaced by new higher energy. It can mimic nausea or sometimes be physically flushed through the bloodstream of the lymphatic system. Rest and consuming high vibrating foods that are light can assist with the discomfort. Old stores of anger, fear, and resentment in the solar plexus chakra being re-leased can cause loose bowel movements. Karmic and family issues will produce flatulence and gas. Most stress being released was built up over years. Increasing your vibration can force the energy through the body and any blockages can cause discomfort. Mindful of meridian work will assist the blockages. The body will naturally adjust to the higher vibrations and can take up to a few days to release the discomfort. As old thoughts and memories are being subconsciously released, depression and anxiety will surface as the frequency rises your subconsciousness will adjust. It is important to monitor your internal dialogue to learn what you are creating for yourself. Observing and realizing your state of growth can allow you to appreciate your own expansion and increase your outlook long term. Releasing old emotional blockages can cause emotional turmoil and unexpected crying. Trying to control or resist these urges further represses and blocks the energy making things more difficult. This energy stimulates spontaneous release. This emptiness is replaced with fulfilling emotional experiences where old sorrows once blocked the flow. As the expansion of the heart chakra enlarges to take on such an increase of energy, pain sensations in the heart are not comfortable. Sometimes unable to breathe can be frightening and mimic a heart attack. This expansion of energy running through your solar plexus and heart chakra will increase discomfort until the body adjusts to the flow. Any anxiety and fear will increase the constriction causing more reaction to the discomfort. This is common any time going through an increase in the frequency of energy. In any case, always check with your doctor for any concerns. Heat, hot flashes, sweats are commonly experienced when too much energy flows quickly through the body. Hormonal changes also can be impacted to increase the temperature shifts. This can while adjusting to the higher vibration rate, store fat in the chest area and abdomen. This is temporary and will resolve itself eventually. Exhaustion and extreme tiredness are when the whole spiritual body is shifting. Most are getting a full night's sleep but can not seem to feel rested and needing more sleep to get through the day. Some can fall asleep during the day or require naps. This can last for weeks to months and can impact everyone differently. Excessive energy can cause the absence of sleep and blocked, or congested energy will accumulate and not properly flow. It is important to not become physically active but try to relax and heal the subtle bodies. Read, meditate or watch tv to help you go back to sleep. This can occur for some time. Anchoring the body requires body fat in holding the vibration. The body fat is evenly distributed around cells with the embodiment. This allows the entire body to act as a tuning fork to hold a new vibration while the healing and channeling energy shifts. Dizziness can happen and feel as if floating or ungrounded. You may find your chakras spinning so strongly that you will feel like a spinning top or waves crashing against you. This is common for your twin during times of stress and emotional turmoil. Ears ringing and buzzing are from adjusting the new frequencies and downloads from your chakras and newly awakened senses. This can be a new sensation causing concern for those not used to the changes and vertigo can oftentimes set in those who have it too strongly. Be gentle during these transitions. The symptoms can leave as quickly as they started. Allow the new frequencies to adjust and connect to higher states of awareness now. Your soul is calling in your higher purpose.
“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss Breaking up is a painful process. How does one go from a dark separation to a true love that is more than ever imagined possible? Both polarities are existing. It is not as simple as ignoring the pain but look to why you resonated and attracted this to you. Where do you have similar experiences that may be showing up to now be healed and released? This will remove both the current and all the other previous same vibrating frequencies. This is also released in the partner if their soul matched that frequency too. The time following the separation of twin souls or twin flames will now process the darkest deepest depths of one's soul.
Before this stage, you had your beliefs, concepts, and illusions but with awakening, these fall away, and you are left with nothing. You see how all the previous striving and seeking, all the ambition, the goal setting and the doing, the drama, and all you once believed to be true is dust, just like it would be anyway when you physically die. But you are still here, sitting reading this book, but without any idea what comes next. Nothing comes next. The ego, of course, does not celebrate this at all. So maybe it’s a dark night for the ego. The losing of the illusions. If you have truly awakened to enlighten your soul, you now abide mostly in the freedom of not knowing with your mind. Your plans, goals, ideas, attachments are nothing now. Any emotional attachment to anything or anyone outside of yourself only creates unhappiness. The realization maybe that hope is not your friend. If you are still hoping that something or someone will come from the outside to rescue you then you will probably continue to suffer. But this is the key to the darkness becoming light, hope is believing that you are worthy and a manifesting beautiful human being. The dark night of the soul is losing one's hope that life can now replace the despair. We can not control any outcome with our strategic efforts outside ourselves already created by our life choices with the trials and tribulations coming up to this point in our lives. A truly awakened soul still is a creator of their reality to exist in. One learns each day is a newer experience and living in the current experience is vital to one’s truth of existence. If you can have such an amazing beautiful sharing love experience with another human being carrying all that extra baggage, then starting over fresh to have more of that beautiful sharing love with another human being that too will be not mirroring the extra baggage more and more each day. You had come there to kick all the negative trash in the garbage. Now let that stink and dust be carried away. The fresh new energy will be lovely. Ego many hold you to who, when, where, and how or why. Focusing on joy, happiness, devotion, bliss, and those original bubble love feelings that starting you to believe you found that sig nicant love is where you need to focus your energy now, not in the dark. Write a journal or letters to your previous lovers and relationships. Find peace and understanding as to why these had to happen in the first place. Any deep-rooted pain is now offering to come to the surface by the emotional detachment because of someone new. This is a look deep within your previous relationships and taking accountability to why things happened and to how you can find peace. Energetically this could be too much of a process to be done in one sitting and may need more time to process. Allow them time to adjust and compassion to heal and to forgive themselves. There is much finger-pointing blame in this process. We can usually find ourselves to see how their responses were not what would make everything so simple after all. It is this damage beyond repair that can be a challenge to accept that our happiness was removed by something we had full control of. Some journaling and allowing to bring up these deep feelings may surprise many because they were so hidden in the recesses of memories. There are hidden lessons and repeated patterns that are ready to be revealed to you. Allow these to be now understanding and no longer hidden to cause a problem. Updating your power now. Earlier when discussing chakras, the energy centers connect with others through cords formed through emotions and attachments. Each person forms these cords to exchange energy. Old repressed memories or damaging discarded cords need to be released to make way for new fresh cords to be current and new. We are dragged back into the past and repeating karma through these vortexes. Our vibration will hold onto that energy if we do not let this go and be released. Old energies of the past will weigh down the new vibrations of the new. A relationship from a decade ago can impact a new fresh relationship because of the similar deep profound love shared but with this new person, the vibration will feel like the old person instead of the new lovely attractive person that you are attracted to you. Because of alignment and the constant vibration of energy, any cords re-moved with be replaced with the updated new version of what is surrounding you. The old will fall away and no longer interfere with the progress of this new adventure. Release these harmful toxic cords is a simple process. But it feels like the hardest to let go and release. Most will need to do this several times to be successful. Be patient with this. Energetically we would like to believe intent alone is all you need. But it takes your determination, inner work and letting go of those burdened memories of the past. You will find the surprising benefit of those painful memories will fall away too. Most of these energy clearing sessions are done through mediations or intent with experienced energy healers who can guide you to what you need to do. Most people can find these videos as well online. You will feel clear and refreshed as if you have taken a shower and rejuvenated and refreshed. But you must remember healing the part of the mind that is subconscious is not going to be so easily done just because of magic. A true metamorphosis of your deepest darkest life will require you to see how all that darkness is an illusion that can be now changed into light because you are ready to believe that you are walking a path of enlightenment and your vibration and energy has too changed to adapt and release what you no longer resonate too. "THE LAW OF LOVE The 1st law: you can be, do and have whatever you imagine. 2nd law: you attract what you fear." What is love? Love is not how they do a certain thing for you or show you that you are worthy of their feelings. Love is the feeling inside of your heart that glows. It awakens your soul and ignites your passions. When the surface is no longer entertained, what is remaining inside stirring you to be alive? Love is the aligning of the soul's essence to your being through what spreads to everyone you connect with through your energy, your vibration, and your appearance. Most people see you are in love not by the infatuation all over your face by the glow in your aura. Fear of losing such a treasure can take it away. Our minds struggle with such a treasure knowing that it can easily fall away. We tend to focus on what we fear the most instead of what we adore. If an ex-boyfriend came out of nowhere and asked you to get back together now, you would most likely decline. There once was a time when this person was your desire and easily you now can walk away. At that time, they were for a lesson or purpose, and once accomplished this is finished. The pull is then dissolved and falls away. There are energetic cords attached to older souls that were never resolved. Sometimes they will reappear in your life to allow this cord to be repaired or removed. These cords can tie you to another and when you have to leave, you pull at your not let go. Some may feel they are losing a part of themselves, but in fact, you are losing only a dense part of your karma lessons attached to them to be removed. The attachment to the fear of losing something that never existed is not loved, but an illusion. How do you know it is love and not attachment to fear? Many of the soulmate saga fantasy is because we are trying to eliminate the loss of someone leaving. After all, we are afraid that this perhaps never existed unless they stay. As long as we fear that they may leave, you will attract the very same energy. Love in them is not an illusion and they will not leave you if it is real. Perhaps at times they may resist and fight their feelings if they are going through confusion and processing what they need and are not being left to do it. Believe in your heart is a trust that is not worrying. Worrying is a form of fear that will destroy any of the love that currently exists. We create our own false beliefs and our imagination can recreate more illusions based on those fears. To accept them as false and empower ourselves with the truth, we have to believe without any doubt. By eliminating any attachment to the ego one by one until no more of those attachments exist. Love is the universal power that will heal everything that is perfection and allowing love to become us so we become love. ![]() Cheers, Red Ferrari Owner of Get the Soulmate and Dump the Rest Author of Love in the 12th Dimension and Twinflames Reunite. www.loveinthe12thdimension.com FB :Get Your Soulmate and Dump the Rest & Twin Flame/Soulmate Readings, Coaching & Energy |
AuthorVicki Martin (AKA The Red Ferrari) is the author behind Love in the 12th Dimension, How To Manifest a Soulmate and Get The Soulmate And Dump The Rest as well as Rediscovering Abundance: Healing the Inner Child to Resolve Relationship Insecurities, Subconscious Pain, and Poverty She is a makeup artist, esthetician accountant, subtle energy therapist, workshop facilitator, artist, stylist, relationship coach, and mother of 4.. Her work across multiple disciplines broadly addresses narratives of human experiences within and shared with others. If you want to read more similar articles, to find out more about the author or to schedule an online healing session, visit www.loveinthe12thdimension.com Archives
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