We all need to heal ourselves before we can help heal others. Healing is not just clearing the physical, emotional, and mental layers. True healing is for us to clear all layers (from dimensions 1 to 12) from our energy systems. Our subtle energy is always in conversation with the universe and any damage or unhealed areas will be projections to upheaval to resolve.
There are at least 12 dimensions of consciousness and within each dimension, there are new challenges for soul evolution. Each dimension has a certain set of laws and principles that are specific to the frequencies of that dimension. Those who resonate with a particular level of energy, referring to their vibration and light exist in that dimension. This is not to imply that one density is better than another. Look at how water can be 3 different things based on density. Water-ice-steam. Each is the same but at different densities and how fast the molecules are moving. The planes are neither above nor below one another, but existing in the same space. The 12 dimensions explained: 1st Dimension -The Grounding Earth: The first level of dimension is earth. The universal energies are at play such as the law of gravity and holding the energy of the world together as a collective. This is our existence or our basic place of survival. The ancestors and your lineage come from the soil in earth. The earth goes a step further to be the anchor of the whole chakra system, especially of those seven main chakras to the greater earthly and universal energies. This connection allows for feelings of grounding, stability, and well being. 2nd Dimension – Our Ecosystem of life and subconscious part of our existence: The second level of dimension is the natural existence of survival mode. The birds are part of a chain of ecology, but the birds are not being taught how to survive but follow a natural instinct and it is consistent with all living birds. This is a level of living as a man using none of the 5 senses belonging to us to learn but to live as to survive on life support. This is our primal instinct to survive. 3rd Dimension – Our Ego, We live to survive-We Die: The third level is where most of the living exist. This is the place of we work to earn a living to survive. We educate ourselves for knowledge and we use the 5 senses (taste, hear, see, sensation, feel) for our daily tasks. We are all separate individuals living a life around other existing individuals. We collectively viewed our world from an ego eye, only seeing from our limited view of self. Here we work. We earn money. We pay bills. Nothing happens unless we do it. Nothing outside of ourselves. We live until death. We have a one perspective ideal mind. 4th Dimension – Magic and Energy The fourth level is the area of energy that exists outside of ourselves. This is a place where we hold divine forgiveness and compassion on our path. Once we fully inhabit this space, our outer world will begin to take shape in a whole new way. In the 4th dimension, we open more than ever before to our intuition and our ability to perceive and interact with other planes of existence. This is the home of reiki, healing, manifestation with the mind, magic, past life regression, dark vs light, demons, and evil exist as we can feel someone is good, bad or attracting. More laws come into play such as the law of duality, law of attraction, and the law of metaphysics. 5th Dimension - Heaven exists. The fifth level is heaven on earth. It is the place of light, the birthplace of heaven. In the 5th dimension, we are able to fully let go of any fears that we have been holding and we can soar upon angels' wings into the arms of our Creator. We are not living in fear, judgment but peace, enlightenment, purpose, bliss, joy. Where fear no longer exists, and we are surrounded by trust, love, and light. manifestations are in view now and we can sense the belief that life is a gift and living is a treasure. This portal is through the heart chakra and dangerous entities can not pass through until the 13th dimensional realm. 6th Dimension – Musical vibration within you. You are vibration which is sound. The sixth level is purely mental in nature and based on ideas of information. Thoughts take form in this dimension before they manifest on the astral plane. Ideals take shape through sacred geometry. They are patterns of energy that hold our template, not only our bodies but also the collective information of our species. This is collective consciousness. We are not a drop but an ocean as the drop that splashes in the air will dissolve without the community surrounding them. This is where we create a global level of ascension. The tuning fork in you will resonate with the tuning fork in another. We are who we spend time with, we are who we attract in our surroundings. 7th Dimension – Cosmic Sound: The first step is to take is to form the sacred geometry of the sixth and weave the notes and change our part in the creation process. The create life as we want. Some have proven this level with the sound of music playing and seeing how the shapes of sand or dust will create lovely patterns of such detail within seconds of playing the vibrating sounds. This is the level of light of angels. Sounds mixed with energy. We cannot always hear the sounds as they resonate so high. Image the whistle for a dog is blown and only the dogs can hear the sound, this is how the frequency is measured. The buzzing noise in your ears may be connected to vibration in this level as your mind is merging with the energy of creation. 8th Dimension- Divinity: The next level is eight the level of mastery. This is the realm of the divine mind that manifests our galaxy. This is not the realm of simply light, it is the consciousness of creation. We meet with divine beings, angels, spirits and see how energy transforms from here. 9th Dimension – The gateway to Christ: The ninth level is Christ's unconditionally loving consciousness. A portal of higher consciousness outside of earth. A new universe. This is where meditation forms vision. Aided by guardians, this is where time waves emerge. This is the level of Ascended Masters and Arch Angels. 10th Dimension – The Spirit comes to Existence: The tenth level is the shaman’s world tree, the tree of light. This is where we find the law of intention and the mixture of yin and yang. We can make something out of nothing. This is the force of evolution to propels the divine plan to completion. The living light that is within everything. Our now chakras activated are communication in this realm with our soul. 11th Dimension – Big Bang: The eleventh dimension is the first realm of universal consciousness. We are all exactly equal but individually different. This is the merging of female and masculine or yin and yang energies. This is the level of twin flames. Two distinct energies infusion. This is where activation happens for twins once the clearing of chakras for both parties to force more inner truth. The kundalini is activated here. 12th Dimension – All that is: The twelfth dimension is the creative source. The merging of all existing realities. Nothing exists that is not part of the whole. This is where twin flames are merged with god as one. We are all connected. We are all purely a reflection of God to each other. The illusion of separation is nonexistent as every tree, animal, and living thing is part of a whole. This is where we are love as God and everyone is part of us. This is where union takes place as we are mirrors of ourselves fully united within. As above as below. 13th Dimension- Beyond our universe: The highest dimension is the gateway to the universes beyond our own universe. This dimension allows you to travel to other universes. This is the portal of beyond life as we know it. This is the 13th to 22nd chakras activated and aligned. With these chakras activated you are safe to be on your own as the universe is now the place of the unknown. Cheers, Red Ferrari Owner of Get the Soulmate and Dump the Rest Author of Love in the 12th Dimension and Twinflames Reunite. www.loveinthe12thdimension.com FB :Get Your Soulmate and Dump the Rest & Twin Flame/Soulmate Readings, Coaching & Energy Cheers, The Red Ferrari, Owner of Get the Soulmate and Dump the Rest Author of Love in the 12th Dimension and Twinflames Reunite. www.loveinthe12thdimension.com FB :Get Your Soulmate and Dump the Rest
Christine Brisley
10/5/2022 08:07:22 pm
I've just had a prolific awakening and was lead to read this article thank you
Zan Ye XX
6/22/2024 05:11:07 am
I’m here 🖤🌌♾️🌚 I understand all the things now. I’m ready save this time and go to the infinity and beyond.
I studied under Lloyd & Phyllis Mear and practice their "Energy Balance By Numbers" method for improving the human condition.
10/30/2024 04:41:43 am
What Is your Facebook page??
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AuthorVicki Martin (AKA The Red Ferrari) is the author behind Love in the 12th Dimension, How To Manifest a Soulmate and Get The Soulmate And Dump The Rest as well as Rediscovering Abundance: Healing the Inner Child to Resolve Relationship Insecurities, Subconscious Pain, and Poverty She is a makeup artist, esthetician accountant, subtle energy therapist, workshop facilitator, artist, stylist, relationship coach, and mother of 4.. Her work across multiple disciplines broadly addresses narratives of human experiences within and shared with others. If you want to read more similar articles, to find out more about the author or to schedule an online healing session, visit www.loveinthe12thdimension.com Archives
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